7 Tips for Single Parents Travelling Around London


As of 2020, there were almost 2.86 million single-parent families in the United Kingdom, London of which it is estimated that around 90% are families with single mothers. Whether you are a single mum or a single dad, recently divorced or widowed, traveling with your little ones to any major city can seem like a daunting prospect.

However, if anyone deserves a break from their day-to-day life it is you! With these 7 tips for traveling around London with your kids, you will be left with happy children and memories of a wonderful holiday.

1. Choose Where to Stay Carefully

For a stress-free holiday to London, it is essential to choose your accommodation carefully. Consider the location – try and find a hotel that is close to good transport links, but also in a quieter area comes nighttime so that your little ones can sleep through.

For example, Dorsett Hotel, Shepherds Bush is within walking distance of a tube station, whilst also being situated across from Shepherd’s Bush Green.

2. Find out your Child’s Expectations for the Trip

To make sure that you get the most out of your trip to London, it can be helpful to understand your child’s expectations for the trip. After all, an unhappy or disappointing child can lead to crying and screaming, leading to an unhappy trip.

Ask your child what they would like to do while they are away. Would they like to use the hotel pool? Might they like to look at the exhibits in the Natural History Museum? Listen to all suggestions from your young children and try to make sure that everyone’s individual needs are met with your itinerary.

3. Plan your Travel Wisely

It goes without saying that kids take a little extra time when trying to get from A to B. For this reason, make sure to plan extra time for transfers and general travel into your itinerary.

4. Include Downtime in your Itinerary

Remember the naps! Don’t let your little ones get grumpy and tired from missing important nap times by planning for downtime every day.

5. Pre-book the Attractions you Really want to Visit

Children, especially little ones, can be a bit impatient. If the attraction you want to visit has a long queue to get in, chances are you will end up missing out. Therefore, pre-book the attractions you really want to visit to skip the ticket queue.

6. Research into Money Saving Deals

One study has found that children raised by single mothers are able to do and achieve less due to lower-income and lower access to resources. However, by doing your research you may be able to find some money-saving deals for your trip, allowing you to see everything that everyone else can see, but at a better price.

For example, some places may offer a single parent discount on their family tickets or membership. These offers have begun to be introduced across the UK after a group of solo mothers called on zoos, tourist attractions, royal gardens, and theme parks to have accessible pricing for all sizes of families.

7. Remember to Have fun yourself!

And finally, remember to take time to have fun yourself! With these 7 tips, you are sure to be able to navigate a successful single-parent family trip to London.


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