Different Types of Foster Care

Foster Care

There are numerous reasons why parents are unable to look after their children, and it is important to understand that all kids have varying care needs. Some children require foster care full time, while others may need someone to look after them for shorter periods of time. Taking a child in need into your home and becoming a foster carer is a selfless act that helps ensure they receive the love and care all kids need. Here are different types of foster care for aspiring foster carers.

Long Term Fostering

Children who need to be away from their birth family for months, years, or even forever require long-term foster care. These children need committed foster carers who can look after them on a long-term basis. Staying with one foster carer for the duration of their childhood can provide children with the stability and consistency they need to grow up to become healthy, functioning adults. With the safety of a caring foster home and a sense of belonging, children are more likely to feel settled, which helps them thrive in life. If you have the capacity to foster in Wales, or anywhere in the world, to give a child the stable and supportive home that they need either in the short or long term.

Short Term Fostering

Children who need to be away from their birth family for short periods of time require an interim arrangement with a short-term carer. Short-term fostering can last days or months. In some cases, after short-term fostering, the child may require a long-term fostering placement. All foster carers receive an allowance to help cover costs for caring for children, and the total amount depends on a number of factors

Respite Care

Respite foster carers provide essential, short-term breaks for birth families or other foster carers. Some children who require respite care have learning difficulties, physical disabilities, or are autistic. By giving children short breaks away from their birth family or long-term foster carer, kids are able to experience new bonds in new environments, which can help them develop as a person. In addition, these short breaks can help maintain the stability of the child’s placement with their birth family or long-term carer. Respite care can last for days or weeks, and plans can be put in place for ongoing care.

Emergency Care

Emergency care is a short-term placement that helps children in unforeseen circumstances. These placements can last from a few hours to a few weeks. Emergency situations can include safeguarding issues, parents becoming incapacitated suddenly, and other unexpected occurrences. At short notice, emergency placements help keep kids secure in a safe environment.

Parent and Child Placements

Parent and child fostering involves both the parent and their child being placed in the care of a specially trained foster carer. These carers help the parent develop essential skills to look after their child and give them the support needed to cope with being a parent. This type of care is often given for around 12 weeks.


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